Ser-tão in the
emptiness of becoming.

Manuel Nogueira



without a cloud, there’s no point in dancing 

better to make 
punishing the ground with both 

one who cracks dried 
must speak out 
its sea 
and learn 
to leak 

Sertão, from the book Corpos, by Arthur Lungov.
Time grows as past, present and future overlap. It’s impossible to know the distance between yesterday and tomorrow. Today is current and bears every urgency, daydream and anxiety, but could never reproduce that prime feeling we have about our own leakage.

“(...) life consists in growing older. And this inner life may be compared to a continual rolling up, like that of a thread on a ball, for our past follows us, it swells incessantly with the present that it picks up on its way; and consciousness means memory”. Henri Bergson.
For Bergson, each person can experience different temporalities that somehow echo in periods that are part of the universe. He also suggests pure thinking and a more ethical life for creating empathy with other existences, which allow the experimentation of periods that can be larger, smaller or the same as ours. A line of thinking that could take us inside ourselves and others. 
Manuel Nogueira


Every minute incorporates a singularity inside the memory-men that are triggered by stimuli of the present and the encounter, allowing us to coexist with every part of our past.

To think time as an accumulation of stories and layers that have awaken for becoming teases us to be in the immediate instant far from a human ? an overly human ? duration without having to respond with inertia to the current situation. This gives us other possibilities to exist and access a spiritual subjectivity, an art of dreaming and loving, allowing people to experiment their deepest self in its own flow throughout time. 
“Oriented inside out, remains the surface of a sphere which tends to grow larger and lose itself in the exterior world. But as I progress away from this periphery, if I search within myself that which is most uniformly, most constantly, and most enduringly, I approach something completely different”. Henri Bergson.

Letting ourselves to be touched by every little thing’s temporality, far from a functional duration of the solidified crust in every individual’s surface, makes the profound self accept the movements of life and the existing world by realizing that existence also happens in a trembling ground. 
“... While I was experiencing them, they were so solidly organized, so profoundly animated with a common life, that I could not have said where any one of them finished or where another commenced. In reality no one of them begins or ends, but all extend into each other.” Henri Bergson.

Throughout life, we’re constantly moving among encounters, mismatches and affections. Being awake for our most diverse layers of pasts and presents in the sensorial and the eternal becoming may be the key to the times we are in right now.